Multi-Facted View of Trade Show Entertainment

With the plethora of companies all vying for visitors’ attention, it’s the ones that stand out from the crowd that get noticed. People are drawn by glitter and excitement, but turned off by dull and boring exhibits. In essence, entertainment makes it all a lot more interesting. So, how can you add pizzazz -– some trade show entertainment — into your exhibit marketing without breaking the bank? The following are seven ways to incorporate a little bit of trade show biz to get you noticed.

Think like Disney.

What does Disney do that every exhibitor should emulate? Disney injects a show business mentality into everything it does by creating an image that makes people smile and lets them know they’re in for a first-class experience. Disney employees undergo rigorous customer service training and are famous for their courtesy, cheerfulness, and problem-solving skills. So when planning your pre-show marketing strategies, remember to think like Disney. Everything you do to promote and implement your trade shows involvement must be first-class, creative, and professional.

Make your exhibit an unforgettable experience.

Saturate your exhibit with sensory appeal. Color, shapes, sounds, textures, smells and entertainment, along with a high degree of interactivity, all help to make your exhibit unforgettable.

Make your exhibit interactive.

When people manipulate objects they often form an attachment to them. They get an idea of how the products work and are more excited about the possibility of buying them. Set up audio-visual displays that visitors can easily operate — they will feel like they are part of the experience as they connect with your products or services. Remember to make it fun.

Put the Web to work.

You can interact with potential attendees through your website, both in your pre-show and at-show exhibit marketing. Make sure that there are a lot of fun things to do. Use games to inform, to educate and to help them find out more about your products and services. Entice them to visit your booth to collect their prize or giveaway for their game participation.

Make your exhibits fun.

Live trade show entertainment, money blowing machines, virtual games, educational seminars, clowns, puppeteers, and magicians are just a few of the tools you can use to make your exhibit fun and informative. Don’t rely on your products alone to sell the show biz experience. Booths filled with inanimate objects are boring and won’t capture the attention of your audience.

Provide lots of comfortable space.

Make sure you have enough space at your booth to comfortably accommodate visitors. Don’t try to cram as many products as possible into the space allotted. A cramped booth environment does not allow attendees free rein to wander comfortably.

Inject show biz excitement into your advertising and public relations.

Without resorting to hyperbole, your pre-show marketing should reflect the excitement, creativity, and flavor of your exhibit. Observe how the producers of movies and Broadway musicals advertise their shows.

Remember you are in show biz, and your job is implement trade shows entertainment. Your exhibit space is your stage. In order to generate interest, you must put on a performance (your form of tradeshow entertainment) that will keep attendees riveted and eager to come back for the sequel.

Excerpts from an article written by Susan A. Friedmann, CSP, The Tradeshow Coach, an industry expert who works with companies to enhance meeting and event success.